This document describes the API used by Signetik's wireless products. This document is subject to change and is versioned. Software releases of Signetik's IoT products refer to which version of the API is implemented.
Changes and Additions
Signetik's APIs are complex and powerful. Signetik is always expanding and improving these modes and working with customers to add the features they need, within their schedule. If a feature is not applicable to Signetik's vision, then we work with customers on custom modifications by them or Signetik.
TBI: To Be Implemented
Modes of Operation
Signetik's wireless modules support Sensor Master mode, Sensor Slave mode, and Modem modes. A short introduction to each mode follows.
Sensor Master Mode
This mode allows the developer to connect sensor chips, such as I2C chips, to Signetik products, either as a prototype by wiring into one of the SigSense add-ons, or by creating a custom SigSense add-on board to put various sensor or control circuitry, onto a PCB. Sensor interface configuration is provided by modifying Signetik's core application software.
Signetik's module pins are automatically configured using the Zephyr board definition. In Master Mode, UART0 is reserved for console input/output and UART1 is reserved for direct modem interaction.
Sensor Slave Mode
This mode allows the developer to easily add Signetik products to an existing system, without having to manage the low-level reporting and connectivity. By sending simple ASCII “reports” to Signetik products, along with some configuration details, the system can offload sensor data and allow the device to manage the reporting. This document focus on the API for Sensor Slave Mode.
Modem Modes
Modem modes are focused on pass-through use of the modems with some enhancements provided by Signetik.
Command Structure
All commands start with "+" and end with "\r" and/or "\n". . If these characters are to be sent within the message, they should be escaped with the backslash "\" in the form of "+" and "\".
Commands are of the form:
Responses are of the form:
In the following API descriptions, the following characters are used:
Character | Description |
<x> |
An item "x" which is further described. |
[x] |
An optional sequence "x" |
* |
Signifies the previous sequence can be repeated 0 to many times. |
Error Codes
Error | Meaning |
1 | invalid parameter value |
2 | invalid parameter name |
3 | push queue is full |
4 | invalid access (read/write) |
5 | invalid report |
The set command allows one or more parameters to be set.
The get command allows the retrieval of one or more parameters.
NOTE: Push command failed due to a typo in report_name leading to not matching with any of the configured report_name
The push command allows sensor data to be pushed to the server-faced outgoing queue.
+set,queue1:<queue name>
+push,<queue name>,<key>:<value>[,<key>:<value>]*\r\n
For protocol "coap", the queue name must be pre-configured using SigNet webUI/API or via "+set" commands so that it can be matched up to the proper report type. Furthermore, the key/value pairs must match the report key/value pairs, previously configured at the SigNet.
Pushed data will be ignored/dropped by SigNet if
SigCell will asynchronously write to the terminal any received data or messages, as they come in. These will not interrupt command processing but may interrupt the serial visual display if operating manually with echo enabled. Asynchronous receive commands contain the necessary information to allow decoding and processing.
+notify,command:<command name>,<key>:<value>[,<key>:<value>]*\r\n
Read-only. The unique 64-bit device ID for this device. This can be used to set devid below. devid The unique 64-bit device ID for this device. This should be set by the user.
The server IP address or DNS name to connect to. This key is not supported for SigLR or SigBLE. default:
The server port to connect to. This key is not supported for SigLR or SigBLE range: 1 to 65535 default: 5715
Allows setting of the user for protocols requiring login Range: String Default: Empty
Allows setting of the password for protocols requiring login Range: String Default: Empty
This key allows for setting the time in seconds between retries in connecting to the network. range: 15 to 3600 default: 300
The received UART characters are typically echoed back to the terminal, as they are received. Furthermore, when an asynchronous event is received the current command buffer is re-echoed back to the terminal to allow for easy continuation of the interrupted command. This is desirable for human issuing of commands but not for devices. The echo can be turned off using the Set command. Range: 0 to 1, where 0 is off and 1 is on. Default: 1
Connections which support TLS will be enabled with TLS. UDP connections will enable DTLS. Range: 0 to 1, where 0 is off and 1 is on. Default: 1
Allows for choosing the protocol. Choices: coap, mqtt, http, lora Default: coap for SigCell and lora for SigLR enabled Enables protocol connectivity Range: 0 to 1, where 0 is off and 1 is on Default: 0
Allows setting of the CA certificate Range: String in double quotes. CR/LF are allowed inside the string Default: Empty Example: +set,cacert:"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDdzCCAl+gAw… ...xMKQ3liZX -----END CERTIFICATE-----"
Allows setting of the private certificate Range: String in double quotes. CR/LF are allowed inside the string Default: Empty
Allows setting of the private key Range: String in double quotes. CR/LF are allowed inside the string Default: Empty
Allows setting of the security tag. The security tag is used by protocols in selecting which certificates to use. sectag = 0 means no certificates used. Range: 0 to 255 Default: 0
This key is used to retrieve the firmware version. range text
This key is used to retrieve the battery voltage level. range: 0 to 55
This key is used to indicate the connected state of the device on the network. It is not an indication of a connection to the server. SigCell will connect to the tower and enter PSM or eDRX mode. SigFi will connect to the wireless AP. SigLR will join the LoRaWAN network, and SigBLE will pair to another BLE device. This key indicates the state of these connections. range: 0 to 1 0 indicates no connection, waiting to retry 1 indicates a successful connection
queue_mark (TBI)
Returns the highest mark which has been queued.
push_mark (TBI)
Returns the highest mark which has been successfully pushed to the server.
This key is used to save certain variables to flash memory range: 1 1 is used to save data to flash. A negative response, indicates failure.
push_interval (TBI)
The nominal reporting interval in seconds. In order to preserve battery life and reduce network overhead, the device connects and pushes to the server in a buffered manner. The device will not connect or push to the server at a rate faster than this value. If no reports are queued to send, then the actual interval of the pushes will be extended. If this value is set to 0, then reports are pushed as they are received. Range: 0 to 3600 Default: 120 In order to enforce a push interval larger than 3600 seconds, the controlling device should simply send push commands at the desired slow rate.
Startup Notification
Server Connection
Push to Server
Server Response (MQTT)
Downlink Message (LoRa)
Host to connect to for socket connection. This can be a name or IP address. Range: String Default:
Host name used in request. This must be the DNS name of the server Range: String Default:
Filename and path of the file to download. Range: String Default: sigcell/v1.0.3.bin
Filename and path of the file to download for side application. Range: String Default: sigcell/v1.0.3.bin
Initiate FOTA transfer Range: 1 Default: 0
Initiate FOTASUB transfer Range: 1 Default: 0
FOTA state Range: 0-2, where 0 is IDLE, 1 is starting, and 2 is in progress Default: 0
FOTA sub state Range: 0-2, where 0 is IDLE, 1 is starting, and 2 is in progress Default: 0
FOTASUB download count. This variable is read only and shows the current chunk that is sent Range: 0-65535 Default: 0
FOTASUB download chunks. This allows the user to choose the number of chunks to download. Range: 0-65535, where 0 is ALL and non-zero is partial downloads Default: 0
FOTA current retry count for FOTA and FOTASUB. Read only. This indicates which retry is being performed Range: 0-65535 Default: 5
FOTA total retries for FOTA and FOTASUB Range: 0-65535 Default: 5
FOTASUB partial
FOTA byte offset for start of FOTASUB download Range: 0-(232-1) Default: 0
In some cases, it is desirable to control the socket connections on SigCell and SigFi. These commands allow the opening, reading, writing, and closing of sockets.
UDP receive packets are displayed as they arrive, as follows. Response +notify,event:udp_receive,data:\r\n
TCP received packets are displayed as they arrive, as follows. Response +notify,event:tcp_receive,data:\r\n
HTTP can be used after opening a socket with either tcp_open or udp_open, and setting up the following parameters: +set,server_address:www.signetik.iot
TLS is enabled by setting the ‘sectag’ variable "+set,sectag:1". If the value of sectag is greater than 0, TLS will be enabled for any TCP connection. Once enabled, socket connections will use ‘sectag’ to load the certificate. Running "+set,sectag:0" will disable TLS for TCP connections. In order to set the certificates to use TLS, the modem must be in a non-connected state. Setting the ‘connect’ variable to 0 will accomplish this, “+set,connect:0”. Then the ‘privkey’, ‘cacert’, and/or ‘privcert’ variables can be set. After setting ‘cacert’, running “+get,cacert” should report the same certificate that was set. In rare situations, the certificate will be truncated due to the way low level functionality is handled. The ‘privkey’ and ‘privcert’ variables cannot be read for security.
Following are example settings for use on Azure IoT MQTT.
Once the settings are properly set, the connection should be enabled.
Then wait for the connection
Now data can be pushed to a queue named by queue1-queue5.
The response indicates the "mark" of the data.
Once this data is pushed to the queue, it will eventually be removed from the queue and sent to the server, with the following notifications.
The server responds that the data was received.
All data received from the server will show up as follows.
In some cases, it is desirable to use MQTT directly from the device. These commands are supported on SigCell and SigFi.
Allows setting of the subscribe topic Range: String Default: Empty
Allows setting of the subscribe topic for Azure IoT method invocation Range: String Default: Empty
Allows setting of the publish topic to be used by push commands Range: String Default: Empty
Allows setting of the qos for all messages Range: 0-2 Default: 1
Allows setting of the keep alive interval for pinging the broker Range: 0-65535 Default: 60
Following are example settings for use on HTTP REST.
Once the settings are properly set, the connection should be enabled.
Although an actual connection is not enabled to a server, the connection must be enabled to be used.
Now data can be pushed to a queue named by report1-report5.
The response indicates the "mark" of the data.
Once this data is pushed to the queue, it will eventually be removed from the queue and sent to the server, with the following notifications.
The server responds that the data was received.
All data received is received from the server as responses to push commands. They will show up as follows.
In some cases, it is desirable to use REST directly from the device. These commands are supported on SigCell and SigFi.
The examples to the right show how to use the REST connection directly.
Allows setting of NBIoT as default connection type Range: 1 Default: 0 If value is 0, then LTE-M is attempted with NB IoT fallback. If value is 1, then NB IoT is attempted with LTE-M fallback. This system must be restarted for this to go into effect.
This key is used to retrieve the modem firmware version. range text
Returns the signal strength in dbm. Range: -140 to 0 NOTE: signal strength is typically -140 to -44. A value of 0 indicates unknown signal strength.
rsrp | meaning |
> -84 | Excellent |
-85 to -102 | Good |
-103 to -111 | Fair |
< -111 | Poor |
cell_connected (TBI)
This key is used to indicate the connected state of the device on the network. It is not an indication of a connection to the server. SigCell will connect to the tower and enter PSM or eDRX mode. This key indicates the state of these connections. range: 0 to 2
value | meaning |
0 | no connection, waiting to retry |
1 | a connection is being attempted |
2 | a successful connection |
3 | a succesful bootstrap connection (connected for FOTA check, but not ready for communication.) |
This key is used to read the IMEI of the device.
This key is used to read the IMSI of the device.
This key is used to read the ICCID of the device.
This key is used to read the network time of the device.
+notify,lora:rx,base64:<base64 encoded payload>
"abp" or "otaa"
appeui (OTAA)
Allows setting of the AppEUI
deveui (OTAA/ABP)
Allows setting of the DevEUI
devaddr (ABP)
32-bit device address (ABP only)
appkey (OTAA)
Application key
nwkskey (ABP)
Network session key
appskey (ABP)
Application session key (ABP only)
NOTE: EUI and keys should be set before enabling LoRa protocol.
NOTE: when "enabling" LoRa proto (see enable and proto variables), the device will automatically join the network for OTAA. Once joined, or if ABP is selected, push
can be used to send binary messages.
NOTE: binary payloads in ascii uart mode can be sent using base64 encoding.
Downlink messages will show up using +notify messages. Join status will also show up as +notify messages.
state | meaning |
start | join process started |
send | join send request |
completed | join process completed successfully |
timeout | failed to join |
rejected | rejected by join server |
Control Commands
Enable/Disable GPS receiver range: 1, 0 default: 0 Eg: +set, gpsenable:0 to enable gps
gps Get GPS NMEA sentences Eg: +get, gps
The LED API includes commands to set operating parameters individually or with a single command that can take effect immediately or be queued by the LED task to process in order of reception. It also includes the ability to configure internal LED lookup tables for specific color/blink/intensity combinations which may be referenced by index.
LED Control API
- leds
- led_red
- led_green
- led_blue
- led_intensity
- led_blink_count
- led_blink_ontime
- led_blink_offtime
- led_blink_start
- ledctl
- ledmsg
- led_userlut
- active_ledlut
This key controls the led enable. Range 0:1
NOTE: A value of 0 will disable the LED circuitry and turn off the LED.
This key is used to set the LED level. Range: 0-255. The LED's red will be set to this brightness level.
This key is used to set the LED level. Range: 0-255. The LED's green will be set to this brightness level.
This key is used to set the LED level. Range: 0-255. The LED's blue will be set to this brightness level.
This key is used to load values from a predefined color table into the led_red, led_green and led_blue component variables. Range text
- off
- white
- red
- green
- blue
- orange
- yellow
- purple
This key is used to scale the default color intensity in 1% increments. Range 0-100
This key is used to set the number of on/off blinks for a requested sequence. Range 0-65535
NOTE: Setting blinks to 0 will permit indefinite blinking until turned off through a new command.
This key is used to set the duration in milliseconds for active portion of the blink cycle. Range 0-65535
NOTE: Blink duration resolution will be set by the target processor and is typically 100ms. Durations of finer resolution will be truncated.
This key is used to set the duration in milliseconds for off portion of the blink cycle. Range 0-65535
This key is used to set the operating mode of the blink request. Range 0-2
Mode | Description |
0 | Blink disabled |
1 | Blink for minimum of led_blinks setting and then continuously until stopped by a command. |
2 | Blink for led_blinks setting and then turn off LED. |
This endpoint command sets the various led control keys in a single command. Most parameters are optional and those not included in the command will allow the controller to use the existing values for those settings.
The above command sets the ledctl to active and configures the LED controller to a custom color mixing red and blue at 75% intensity for a minimum of 4 blinks of 500ms ON and 1500ms OFF and returns
+set Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
ledctl | Yes | Enable for led controller |
color | No | Predefined color name or "custom" |
r | No | Red component value for custom color |
g | No | Green component value for custom color |
b | No | Blue component value for custom color |
i | No | Intensity percentage for LED. |
blink | No | Number of blinks if blink enabled |
on | No | Duration of ON portion of blink (ms) |
off | No | Duration of OFF portion of blink (ms) |
start | No | Blink mode |
lut | No | Selects active LED LUT to use when ledctl disabled. |
This is a special version of the ledctl message in that it is received by a task queue and is processed in order of reception. Unlike ledctl, it does not directly update the various led settings described above but passes values directly to the internal LED controller.
This endpoint command sets the various led control keys in a single command. Most parameters are optional and those not included in the command will allow the controller to use the existing values for those settings.
The above command sets the ledctl to active and configures the LED controller to a predefined color called blue at 100% intensity for a fixed 4 blinks of 500ms ON and 1500ms OFF and returns
+set Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
ledmsg | Yes | Enable for led controller |
color | Yes | Predefined color name or "custom" |
r | No | Red component value for custom color |
g | No | Green component value for custom color |
b | No | Blue component value for custom color |
i | No | Intensity percentage for LED. |
blink | No | Number of blinks if blink enabled |
on | No | Duration of ON portion of blink (ms) |
off | No | Duration of OFF portion of blink (ms) |
start | No | Blink mode |
lut | No | Selects active LED LUT to use when ledctl disabled. |
led_userlut1, (led_userlut2)
This command allows the customization of internal LED LUT entries to use in place of the default factory LED lookup table.
Most parameters are optional and those not included in the command will allow the controller to use the existing values for those settings.
The above command configures an entry using the predefined color orange of 100% intensity, for a minimum of 4 blinks with an ON duration of 1000ms and OFF duration of 2000ms, storing it at USER_LUT_1[3] and returns
+set Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
led_userlut1 | Yes | LED LUT identifier and array index |
color | Yes | Predefined color name or "custom" |
r | No | Red component value for custom color |
g | No | Green component value for custom color |
i | No | Intensity percentage for LED. |
blink | No | Number of blinks if blink enabled |
on | No | Duration of ON portion of blink (ms) |
off | No | Duration of OFF portion of blink (ms) |
start | No | Blink mode |